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Scottish Council of Jewish Communities (SCoJeC)
Scottish Council of Jewish Communities (SCoJeC)
Scottish Council of Jewish Communities (SCoJeC)


Judaism and the Jewish Community

Jewish Festivals:

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Additional Information

The four plants that make up a lulav bundle symbolically represent parts of the body:

the tall, straight palm branch represents the spine that supports the whole body;

the etrog represents the heart that pumps blood around the body to keep everything working;

the willow leaves represent lips, which should only be used for polite and helpful speech;

the myrtle leaves represent eyes, which notice everything in the world around.

Sukkah means “covering”, so the most important part of a sukkah is its roof, what must be made of natural materials such as branches or straw etc, and not metal or plastic. It must also give more shade than is open to the sky.

There are many rules about how to build a sukkah that is kosher (fit for purpose). For example, it must have at least 3 walls, just over half a metre long and a metre high, and must be under the open sky, not inside a building or under a tree.




Suggested discussion questions and activities

How are the 5 senses engaged when someone spends time in a sukkah?

Invent a new non–religious activity or ceremony for showing appreciation for crops that grow, that could be done at home or in a school assembly.

The four species of plant are also said to represent different kinds of human character.  Think how this might be.

Build yourself a sukkah – either full size or a model.


Additional resources

BBC: Sukkot (P1–P7)

The LEGO Sukkot Movie (P4+)


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