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Scottish Council of Jewish Communities (SCoJeC)
Scottish Council of Jewish Communities (SCoJeC)
Scottish Council of Jewish Communities (SCoJeC)


Previous SCoJeC Chairs
Alan Kay

Alan Kay

Alan has had an interest in communal and interfaith relations for more than 40 years, and for 8 years has been on the Board of Interfaith Scotland representing the Jewish community, being the Chair and previously the Hon Secretary. He will be retiring form the IFS Board in September 2020. He is on the advisory board organising the Scottish National Holocaust Memorial Day commemorations. He is also the Hon Treasurer of Jewish Student Chaplaincy Scotland, a post he has previously held for both the Council of Christians and Jews in Scotland, and Giffnock and Newlands Hebrew Congregation. He was born and brought up in Glasgow and is a graduate of the University of Glasgow. Alan has worked in accountancy and information technology in both small companies and large multi-international organisations. You will usually see him with a camera in his hand as he is a keen amateur photographer.

Alan was SCoJeC Chair from 2020 to 2021.

Micheline Brannan

Micheline Brannan
Micheline worked for 30 years in the Scottish Government on issues including state-faith relations and equality. She was instrumental in ensuring that Holocaust Memorial Day was marked distinctively in Scotland from its outset in 2001. In 2007 she took early retirement, retrained as a nurse. Micheline served on SCoJeC from 2008, becoming Chair in 2016. She is also currently Secretary of the Glasgow Jewish Representative Council.

Micheline was SCoJeC Chair from 2017 to 2020.

Hilary Rifkind

Hilary Rifkind
Hilary is a past Chairman of the Board of Management of Edinburgh Hebrew Congregation, and is the first woman to lead the Synagogue. She was born and educated in Newcastle upon Tyne and came to Edinburgh in 1968 after her marriage to Arnold Rifkind, an optometrist. She has spent most of her professional life teaching Mathematics at George Watson’s College and has always been involved in communal work, ranging from Maccabi leadership in her teens, to Jewish Students, then WIZO, the Communal Centre Committee, Edinburgh Hillel Committee, the Ladies Guild, of which she has been Chairman for many years, and, since her retirement, convenor of the Shul Events Committee. Hilary and Arnold have two sons and four grandchildren who live in America.
Hilary was Chair of SCoJeC from 2012 to 2016.

Paul Spicker
Paul Spicker
Paul was born in Newcastle-upon-Tyne, and moved to Dundee in 1989 where he was Chair of the small Jewish community in 2006 and subsequently Vice-Chair until 2010. (The former Dundee Jewish Community is now based in St Andrews, and has been renamed the Tayside and Fife Jewish Community.)
Paul worked as Professor of Public Policy in the Robert Gordon University where he did a range of work about poverty, disadvantage, minority ethnic groups and welfare provision. He was SCoJeC Chair in 2010 and 2011.
Walter Sneader
Walter Sneader
Walter Sneader studied pharmacy at the University of Glasgow, where he also gained a PhD in medicinal chemistry. After two years with the National Research Council of Canada, he became a lecturer at the University of Strathclyde. Remaiµning there, he eventually became Head of the School of Pharmacy. He has written four books on pharmaceutical innovation that have gained him an international reputation, and he maintains a website about the history of drugs. He is also a Fellow of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society. He retired from full-time teaching in 2005. Walter became involved in interfaith work in the 1960s. This led to his involvement with the Glasgow Jewish Representative Council, of which he was President from 1986 to 1989. He was co-founder of the Glasgow and West of Scotland branch of the Council of Christians and Jews, and has served as its Chair. Walter was Chair of SCoJeC from 2008 to 2010.
Kenneth Collins
Kenneth Collins
Dr Kenneth Collins was Chair of the Scottish Council of Jewish Communities from 1999 to 2003 and from 2007 to 2008. A former President of the Glasgow Jewish Representative Council (1995-1998 and 2001-2004) and current Chair of the Scottish Jewish Archives he now lives mainly in Jerusalem where he is Visiting Professor in the History of Medicine at the Hebrew University. He has written extensively on Jewish history in Scotland and is currently writing the narrative for a new illustrated history of Jewish Glasgow.
John Cosgrove
John Cosgrove
Brought up and educated in Glasgow, the son of Dr IK Cosgrove, the distinguished Minister of Garnethill, John qualified in Dentistry at Glasgow University where he was President of the Jewish Students Society. He married Hazel and moved to Edinburgh in 1968. Since 1970 he has served continuously on the Council and Board of Management of Edinburgh Hebrew Congregation in every capacity. He has been President of B’nai Brith and the Jewish Literary Society, co-founder and Chair of the Editorial Board of the Edinburgh Star, Chair of the Edinburgh Hillel Committee and Joint Chair of the CCJ, delegate to the Board of Deputies, and represented Scotland on the Chief Rabbinate selection committee. He was Chair of SCoJeC from 2003 until leaving Edinburgh in 2007 to retire near their two children and five grandchildren in London and Herzliya.


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