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Scottish Council of Jewish Communities (SCoJeC)
Scottish Council of Jewish Communities (SCoJeC)
Scottish Council of Jewish Communities (SCoJeC)


A Guide to 'JOES Boxes'
'Jewish Objects for Education in Scotland'



The Scottish Council of Jewish Communities (SCoJeC) would like the following people for their assistance with “JOES Boxes”, an educational resource to increase the quality of Jewish education, deepen understanding, and make abstract ideas and people, real and living.

Prof Joe Goldblatt, who championed the boxes and enthusiastically sourced many of the items, commented: "The Pirke Avot teaches us that whilst we are not expected to complete the work we are neither free to refrain from starting the task. The Jewish Objects for Education in Scotland programme was launched in 2015 to combat antisemitic behaviour in Scotland through education.

Thanks to the strong and generous support from our donors in North America, Scotland, and beyond, this pioneering new programme has grown from strength to strength. We thank you for helping us start this important work and please accept our heartfelt thanks for you sharing your time time and treasure. Through education we believe we are together building a more just world, one child at a time."

Sandra Aaron

Raphael Brokor

Connie Cohen

Adele Conn

Hilary Davis

Aimee Florin

Fiona Frank

Ruth Gershon

Giffnock and Newlands
            Hebrew Congregation

Barbara and Henry Ginsberg

Jody Glassman

Prof Joe Goldblatt

Marcia Goldman

Michelle Gordon

Joan Haywood

Ricky Hogg

Lorna Jacobs


Naomi Kaufman

Paul and Joel Kudlowitz

Lancaster University Jewish Society

Leah Goldblatt Lahasky

Elaine Levy

Shula Levy (Out of Space)

Len Lowy

Nancy Lynner

Manchester Reform Synagogue

Movement for Reform Judaism
            Chagigah 2016 participants

Berenice Miller

Bea Nadel

Mary and Joseph Niedzwiecki

Marsha and David Perman

Shari Press

Beth and Thomas Quinn

Barbara Rappaport

Rita Reich

Sandy and Paul Rothstein

Scarsdale Synagogue
            Temples Tremont and Emanu-el

Susan Seigel

Marilyn and Leon Shebshaievitz

David and Lucy Simkins

Rabbi David Stern

Debbie Taylor

Stephen Waldek

Sheila Williams

Women of Reform Judaism

Rabbi Debbie Young-Somers

In some cases, we couldn’t source enough original Jewish artefacts.  So, with the generosity and artistic skills of the children of Sukkat Shalom Edinburgh Liberal Jewish Community, and Interfaith volunteers from Falkirk, we created our own Tzedakah Boxes and Kiddush Cups. In many Jewish families, items that have been decorated by their children, often at a Cheder (Hebrew classes) are indeed used in place of more traditional items, as they have a greater personal connection. We thank everyone who offered their time and skills in helping us create these items.


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