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Scottish Council of Jewish Communities (SCoJeC)
Scottish Council of Jewish Communities (SCoJeC)
Scottish Council of Jewish Communities (SCoJeC)


5 Minute Judaism
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These resources describe practices that are common in the UK, but there is a wide range of Jewish traditions and observance, and different Jewish people have different levels of observance. When interacting with Jewish pupils and their parents, teachers should be aware that it is always best to ask about their own preferences.

Lower primary, age 10+, and pupils with additional support needs:

click on the relevant image to watch the presentation


5 Minute Judaism – Shabbat

age group: 10+

Supplementary Information
for Teachers


Activity Sheets
suitable for all age groups

Baking challah


Plaiting challah


Design a challah cover


Setting the table

5 Minute Judaism – Shabbat

age group: lower primary

5 Minute Judaism – Shabbat

pupils with additional support needs


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Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation no. SC029438