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Scottish Council of Jewish Communities (SCoJeC)
Scottish Council of Jewish Communities (SCoJeC)
Scottish Council of Jewish Communities (SCoJeC)


First Minister in Conversation
with Jewish Students

Click here to watch a video of the event

18 January 2022

First Minister in Conversation with Jewish Students

SCoJeC was delighted to give Jewish students in Scotland an opportunity to raise issues that matter to them with First Minister Nicola Sturgeon MSP. Students from over a dozen educational institutions across Scotland submitted questions in advance, and these were put to the First Minister by SCoJeC's Student Representative Jonathan Manevitch.

Before the questions began, two third year students shared their experiences of being a Jewish student in Scotland with the First Minister. Toby, an Accounting and Finance student at the University of Strathclyde, shared his concerns about the rise of antisemitism on university campuses, and told us later, "I think the evening was crucially important, to have the opportunity to share our personal experiences being Jewish students in Scotland with someone of such high power and status as the First Minister, especially in times of rampant antisemitism."

First Minister in Conversation with Jewish Students

Abel, a Psychology student at the University of Glasgow, told the First Minister of his concerns about education in Scotland, and his desire, in hope of greater sensitivity, for the general public to be aware of the Holocaust. He later commented, "As a Jewish student, my peers and I often feel overlooked, that is why I greatly appreciate the First Minister taking time to talk to us and answer our questions head on. Even though this does not solve the grand issues we face, it does assure me that our voices can be heard. Thank you to SCoJec for organising this event!"

First Minister in Conversation with Jewish Students

On the topic of historic antisemitism from within the SNP, the First Minister re-asserted her commitment to tackling all forms of hatred within her party, and said, "I accept the responsibility to make sure that we always learn and seek not to fall short on these issues." She stated that the SNP has adopted the widely-accepted International Holocaust Alliance working definition of antisemitism. She acknowledged the concerns raised by many students about the Green Party not having accepted the definition, but promised that all the Ministers in her Scottish Government are expected to comply with the definition.

Many students raised concerns about antisemitism on campuses, and the First Minister pledged to remain steadfast in her support of Jewish students in making campuses a safer place, saying “universities are part of broader society … zero tolerance of antisemitism has to be as enforced and as strongly held on our university campuses as it is in any other part of our society."

First Minister in Conversation with Jewish Students

The First Minister expressed her awareness of the importance of Israel to the Jewish community, saying that there is a “duty on all of us to understand that, and discussed ways that Scotland and Israel can come together, noting in particular her conversations during COP26 about Israel’s success with their vaccination programme.

SCoJeC is keen to put those it represents at the heart of our work, and were pleased there has been such a positive reception to this event. Eden, a fourth year student at the University of the West of Scotland, said “It was an enlightening experience to see the voices of Jewish students heard by such an important figure within Scotland."

First Minister in Conversation with Jewish Students

Nicola Livingston, SCoJeC Chair and former Chair of Jewish Student Chaplaincy Scotland, gave a vote of thanks to the First Minister and the SCoJeC staff who organised the event. She said "We are pleased that the First Minister continues to engage with the Jewish community, and this event provided an opportunity for the issues that truly matter to our students to be raised with her. I thank her for her honesty, and I look forward to welcoming her to another event in the near future."

SCoJeC is planning a Community-wide meeting with the First Minister in March of this year, which will be open to the wider Jewish community across the Scotland. This will be a hybrid event with live audiences in both Glasgow and Edinburgh, and others participating virtually from around the country, as part of our Jewish Scotland Connected project.

Click here to watch a video of the event


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