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Scottish Council of Jewish Communities (SCoJeC)
Scottish Council of Jewish Communities (SCoJeC)
Scottish Council of Jewish Communities (SCoJeC)


SCoJeC's new Projects and Outreach Manager


19 July 2020

SCoJeC's new Projects and Outreach Manager

SCoJeC is delighted to welcome Ruby Katz, who has been appointed as our new Projects and Outreach Manager in succession to Fiona Frank. Ruby really impressed the interview panel with her exciting ideas for building on and expanding SCoJeC's events programme. She will work with Fiona from mid-August till the end of September and will then take over the lead on our important work of Connecting and Supporting Jewish people in Scotland in her own right from 1st October.

Ruby grew up near Chicago, Illinois, with a Conservative Jewish-Israeli background. She chose to spend her first work experience as an intern with the Jewish Heritage archives of the Western Reserve Historical Society in Cleveland, Ohio, where she assisted the Head Curator with a book on the Jewish origins of Cleveland’s textile industry. She continued this passion for Jewish life and learning by choosing the educational history of Holocaust film as the topic for her thesis to earn a Master's degree in Film Studies from the University of Edinburgh. Meeting her husband along the way, she has now officially immigrated to Scotland, residing in East Lothian, and has been working within Edinburgh's charitable and academic sectors ever since. Ruby has held a variety of roles within her professional career, including archiver, publications assistant, and media educator, and brings her knowledge and experience of communications, educational planning, and management to the role of Projects and Outreach Manager at SCoJeC.

SCoJeC Chair Alan Kay welcomed Ruby's appointment:
I wish to extend a warm welcome to Ruby Katz who is the latest to join our happy team. I am really happy to have her join us as Projects and Outreach Manager. I believe that she will use her many skills and talents to help SCoJeC reach new heights. As part of our team I believe that Ruby is a great asset. I wish her many congratulations and hope she has an excellent time with us.

Paul Edlin, President of Glasgow Jewish Representative Council, commented:
This is excellent news and Ruby looks to be well placed for this challenging appointment. We look forward to working with Ruby and the SCoJeC team in the future,  continuing to bring the two organisations closer together for the benefit of the Scottish Jewish Communities.

John Danzig, Chair of the Management Committee of Edinburgh Hebrew Congregation added:
Congratulations on this important appointment. We look forward to Ruby will making a significant contribution to the vibrancy of Jewish Scotland in the years ahead.

Commenting on her appointment and the task ahead, Ruby said:

I am extremely pleased to be following Fiona’s footsteps in the position of Projects and Outreach Manager for SCoJeC. This is a great opportunity to explore every possibility and avenue to connect the Jewish community around Scotland. I look forward to hearing about the experiences of individuals across Scotland’s many landscapes and to create spaces, programming, and opportunities to the benefit of everyone that SCoJeC represents. Many thanks to the team for giving me this opportunity!

Fiona Frank, our retiring Projects and Outreach manager, said:

I loved Ruby’s presentation and her ideas for expanding SCoJeC’s activities and look forward to working with her during our hand-over period. I am delighted to pass on the mantle to someone with her background and skills, and am sure that she will continue to take SCoJeC from strength to strength.


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