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Scottish Council of Jewish Communities (SCoJeC)
Scottish Council of Jewish Communities (SCoJeC)
Scottish Council of Jewish Communities (SCoJeC)


Standing Up to Racism

16 March 2018

SCoJeC has sent a message of support to the Scottish "Stand Up to Racism" march and rally in Glasgow on Saturday 17 March. This marks the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination established by the United Nations, when there are rallies in the UK, Europe, America, and throughout the world against all forms of racism.

At a time when the extreme right is again on the rise throughout the world, SCoJeC welcomes the opportunity to join many other organisations and individuals from across Scotland to support those who work to tackle racism in all its guises, including prejudice and violence against Jews, Muslims, immigrants, and refugees, and who seek to build bridges with others and to support all victims of racism.

SCoJeC is unable to join the march as it falls on Shabbat, but we have sent the following statement:

The Scottish Council of Jewish Communities (SCoJeC) is pleased to send its support to those throughout the world who are backing the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. SCoJeC is unable to send an official representative to the rally because it is on the Jewish Shabbat, but we send our good wishes and our endorsement of the aspiration of this UN designated day – the elimination of all forms of hatred and discrimination.

We share the concerns of all reasonable people about the increasing volume, hostility, and aggressiveness of racist and xenophobic rhetoric, especially in social media, and the consequent normalisation of such language. We are particularly concerned by assaults on the integrity of minority communities, including on their right to determine their own identity.

Although we are naturally most concerned by the record and increasing number of antisemitic incidents in Scotland and the UK, we do not believe that hate crime against any other religious or racial group is any less serious, and it naturally concerns us when that attitude is not reciprocated by those from whom we would expect support. To deny, misrepresent, or dismiss Jewish concerns about antisemitism in circumstances in which similar concerns from any other community would be endorsed and acted upon is itself a form of antisemitism, just as the converse would be racist and discriminatory.

We trust that every individual and organisation supporting this rally would endorse that principle, and we reiterate our support for all those working for the elimination of all forms of racial and religious hatred.


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