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Scottish Council of Jewish Communities (SCoJeC)
Scottish Council of Jewish Communities (SCoJeC)
Scottish Council of Jewish Communities (SCoJeC)


Aberdeen synagogue and Community Centre logo

Aberdeen Synagogue
and Community Centre

26 October 2017
Aberdeen synagogue

Click here to read about the appeal to save Aberdeen Synagogue and Community Centre.

We are delighted to hear that the Aberdeen community has reached its initial target to enable them to begin work to repair the damage to their historic building, and congratulate them on their achievement. We are pleased to have been able to assist, and extend the thanks of the entire Jewish community of Scotland to everyone who has contributed to this effort.

Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis speaks in Aberdeen synagogue

Aberdeen Synagogue was severely damaged in August by a broken washing machine which broke during its fill cycle and proceeded to fill the building with water for about an hour before being found and turned off. However, the first phase of repairing the building has now started, and contractors have begun stripping out the damaged parts of building. Damaged chairs from the ladies' section of the synagogue have been sent for repair, and all the benches have been dismantled and stacked to enable access to the floor.

If all goes to plan, and no other problems are revealed during the initial works, the next stage of the work, drying the building, will start at the end of October with the installation of dehumidifiers on three floors of the building. Drying is expected to take three to four weeks. The repair work will then start after a "drying certificate" is issued, and the Synagogue is expected to reopen for services in February or March 2018 after the flooring will have been relaid.

Debby Taylor of Aberdeen Jewish Community writes:

"We launched our appeal in September with the help of SCoJeC once we were aware of the majority of costs of repairs and our dire financial situation. We thank everyone for their generous donations of money and help to the 'SOS campaign'. We are also grateful to those of our members who allowed us to use their homes for services over the recent festivals, and to Aberdeen Mosque and Islamic Centre, who lent us seating. Future services will be held temporarily in the Management Suite of the Bon Accord Shopping Centre, which has kindly donated the space to us.

However, there is still a lot to do to renovate the building: the windows need to be repaired, there are new concerns about the roof, fire precautions need to be upgraded including an emergency exit, the kitchen and toilets need to be replaced, and the insurance company has now required an upgrade to the security system. So, even though the target has been reached, please keep being generous to Aberdeen so that the rest of the important refurbishment work can be completed."

Please give generously

Details of how to donate are on the
Aberdeen Synagogue and Jewish Community Centre website


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