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Scottish Council of Jewish Communities (SCoJeC)
Scottish Council of Jewish Communities (SCoJeC)
Scottish Council of Jewish Communities (SCoJeC)


"A very supportive learning community!"

2 August 2017
SCoJeC Volunteer Ambassador training course

Four of the trainees on SCoJeC's Pears Fund supported Volunteer Ambassador course enjoyed a celebration lunch with their tutor to mark the end of the taught part of the course.

This included learning about the Jewish Life Cycle, the Synagogue, Jewish Daily Life and Festivals, and developed the trainees' presentation skills, knowledge, and confidence to lead positive, memorable, and educational activities about Judaism for groups of all ages. There are active Orthodox, Reform, and Liberal Jewish communities in Scotland, as well as many Jewish people who are not affiliated to any particular community, so the course ensures that trainee 'Ambassadors' are informed about, and enabled to present the whole spectrum of Judaism.

SCoJeC Volunteer Ambassador training course

Over the celebration meal the trainees reflected on the course and told us that the course had exceeded their expectations: "We were given lots of content, but also we got to create our own content for the activities, which means we're comfortable with using it." said one, while another commented "I was expecting to be told how to give talks in schools – I didn't realise I would be running activities and writing lesson plans!" And they all appreciated having learned to plait four-stranded challah! (the traditional bread enjoyed on Shabbat and festivals).

All agreed that "We got to know each other really well – we're a very supportive group, we gelled really well", and that the course was well led by SCoJeC's former Education and Community Development Worker, Zoe Jacobs, and that they are now ready to go out and represent the Jewish community in schools and to adult community groups around the country.

If you would like a Volunteer Ambassador to visit your school or community group, please book here.


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Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation no. SC029438