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Scottish Council of Jewish Communities (SCoJeC)
Scottish Council of Jewish Communities (SCoJeC)
Scottish Council of Jewish Communities (SCoJeC)


A Milestone in
Supporting the UK Jewish Community

20 November 2014

Only a few months after publishing the 400th issue of MEMO, our our weekly digest of information of relevance to ethnic minorities, SCoJeC has published the 1,000th issue of PAB, the "Political Affairs Brief", a digest of information relevant to the Jewish community. This covers political activity in the UK and Scottish Parliaments, and Welsh and Northern Ireland Assemblies, as well as at European institutions and the United Nations, amongst other bodies, and includes information relating to antisemitism, community relations, shechitah, Israel, and a wide range of other topics.

Simon Johnson

Simon Johnson, Chief Executive of the Jewish Leadership Council, writes:

"With so many issues to stay on top of, the Political Affairs Briefs helpfully collated by SCoJeC has become an invaluable resource to all of us at the JLC. It means that even though we are working on numerous issues in a fast paced environment, nothing slips though the net. We wish them the best of luck in their work and look forward to the next 1000 PABs!"

PAB, which was started at the request of the Jewish Leadership Council, grew out of a recognition that commercial monitoring services miss many issues that could significantly affect Jewish life in the UK, because their tick-box approach lacks understanding of what matters to the Community.

Vivien Wineman

Vivien Wineman, the President of the Board of Deputies, congratulated SCoJeC on reaching this milestone:

"The Scottish Council of Jewish Communities' (SCoJeC) Political Affairs Briefing is one of the community's hidden gems. It is a key tool in our monitoring of issues affecting Jews in Britain, Israel and around the world. I congratulate SCoJeC on reaching this milestone. I would give the traditional blessing of 'Until 120', but as you have nearly already passed ten times 120 editions, it will have to be 120 years! Thanks again for all that you do for our community."

Ephraim Borowski

SCoJeC Director Ephraim Borowski is delighted at the continuing success of PAB:

"SCoJeC does not just support and speak for the Jewish Community of Scotland, but also shares its expertise with others. MEMO, our digest of information of relevance to ethnic minorities, has just passed its 400th weekly issue, and now PAB, the Political Affairs Brief, has reached an even more significant milestone: its 1000th edition. We are delighted to collaborate with the Board of Deputies and the Jewish Leadership Council on this project, and are gratified that they and others find it such a valuable resource."


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