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Scottish Council of Jewish Communities (SCoJeC)
Scottish Council of Jewish Communities (SCoJeC)
Scottish Council of Jewish Communities (SCoJeC)


Klezmer, Baroque, and Tartan:

A Jewish Musical Odyssey in Glasgow

15 September 2014
A Jewish Musical Odyssey in Glasgow

The imposing setting for the second stop on our Jewish Musical Odyssey tour of Scotland was Glasgow University Chapel, whose wonderful acoustics make it a superb venue for a musical event.

We received a warm welcome to the Chapel from the Chaplain, Rev Stuart McQuarrie, who reminisced warmly about the interfaith event that had been held there as part of the recent Commonwealth Games, with Rabbi Moshe Rubin, the senior Orthodox Rabbi in Scotland, and Jewish Chaplain to the Commonwealth Games, in attendance.

A Jewish Musical Odyssey in Glasgow

The concert coincided with the University's Freshers' Week, and we were delighted that the committee of Glasgow J-Soc took a break from preparating for the following day's Freshers' Fair to join us, together with a large number of undergraduate and postgraduate students, as well as people from outwith the university with an interest in the 'folk tradition' and Baroque music.

Adrianne and the quartet played their heart out and – as you can see from the video – at the end of the evening the audience couldn't resist getting up to dance!



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