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Scottish Council of Jewish Communities (SCoJeC)
Scottish Council of Jewish Communities (SCoJeC)
Scottish Council of Jewish Communities (SCoJeC)


SCoJeC joins others to condemn racism
3 February 2012

Party leaders across the political spectrum, trades unions, and faith groups in Scotland have signed an open letter calling on Glasgow City Council to refuse permission for the Scottish Defence League to hold a public procession in Glasgow.

SCoJeC has previously condemned the Scottish Defence League and deplores its attempts to stir up racial tension, fuel distrust between communities, and contribute to the conditions in which extremism of all kinds will thrive. We express our solidarity with all those who are the target of their warped views.

"We the undersigned express our extreme concern at our streets being used for the peddling of hatred. We vigorously oppose giving the Scottish Defence League (SDL), or any of their offshoots, permission to hold a public procession through Glasgow.

We understand that an application has gone in to Glasgow City Council and that the SDL are in discussions with the police and the local authority. We urge all authorities to reject this application on the grounds of public safety and moral decency.

With previous SDL and EDL processions we have witnessed mindless thugs attack shopkeepers, business owners and taxi drivers. While we passionately defend freedom of speech – regardless of how unpleasant it may be – we do not believe vile, toxic hate should be given free rein in our streets.

Glasgow has a proud history of fighting fascism and tackling racism. We are proud of our multicultural diversity and as such we wish to send out a loud and clear message that racism is not welcome in our city. We seek your assurances that these concerns will be taken on board and that any application for the Scottish Defence League to march in our city's streets will be rejected."


Nicola Sturgeon MSP, Deputy Leader of the Scottish National Party (Glasgow Southside)
Johann Lamont MSP, Leader of the Scottish Labour Party (Glasgow Pollok)
Ruth Davidson MSP, Leader of the Scottish Conservatives (Glasgow)
Patrick Harvie MSP, Co-Convenor of the Scottish Green Party (Glasgow)
Dave Moxham STUC Assistant Secretary
Unite Scotland
Dave Watson UNISON Scottish Organiser
Scottish Council of Jewish Communities
Dr Salah Beltagui Muslim Council of Scotland
Reverend Iain Galloway Convener, Church and Society Council, the Church of Scotland
Humza Yousaf MSP (Glasgow)
James Dornan MSP (Glasgow Cathcart)
Bill Kidd MSP (Glasgow Anniesland)
Sandra White MSP (Glasgow Kelvin)
John Mason MSP (Glasgow Shettleston)
Bob Doris MSP (Glasgow)
Elaine Smith MSP (Coatbridge & Chryston)
Drew Smith MSP (Glasgow)
PCS Union
FDA Union
CWU Scotland Regional Committee
Society of Radiographers
Unite Against Fascism
Aamer Anwar – Human Rights Lawyer


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