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Scottish Council of Jewish Communities (SCoJeC)
Scottish Council of Jewish Communities (SCoJeC)
Scottish Council of Jewish Communities (SCoJeC)


AGM, 28 October 2007
George Reid

"SCoJeC is an example to other communities", said George Reid, the former Presiding Officer of the Scottish Parliament, who was guest speaker at SCoJeC's AGM, held in Glasgow on 28 October. He discussed the challenges facing people in Scotland today, and described how the Scottish Parliament responds to public concerns by reaching out and engaging with communities.

"I want to thank the Scottish Council of Jewish Communities for grasping the outstretched hand of the Parliament, and for getting involved. Ephraim and Leah are weel kent figures to Ministers, to MSPs, to the senior civil servants, to the leaders of the STUC. You bring common sense and decency to everything you do - and you do engage. How you engage!"

"In Scotland, your small community has made a remarkable contribution to our national life. Through the Scottish Council of Jewish Communities it has led to your full engagement with our new institutions."


Ephraim Borowski (SCoJeC Director) thanked George Reid for his thought-provoking address - and for his compliments to SCoJeC - and presented him with a copy of "Second City Jewry", written by SCoJeC Chair, Kenneth Collins.

Kenneth Collins told the meeting that SCoJeC’s impact extends beyond Scotland, and the Board of Deputies, and the CST have both publicly recognised its achievements.

Ephraim Borowski and Leah Granat (Public Affairs Officer) described SCoJeC's activities during the last year. We continue to liase with Ministers and MSPs, and to monitor the media, Scottish and Westminster Parliaments, Scottish Government, and Whitehall, on a daily basis. Consultation responses have been submitted on subjects as diverse as the census, charity law, and fire safety regulations for synagogues and other communal buildings.

SCoJeC has received external funding for three projects:

Outreach: SCoJeC has been awarded funding from both the Scottish Government and the Clore Foundation to undertake an outreach project intended to identify Jewish people living in rural and often remote areas of Scotland.We are aware that many of these mistakenly believe themselves to be the only Jewish person for miles around, and often feel uncomfortably isolated. Where they have become aware of SCoJeC’s existence and have contacted us we have often been able to put them in touch with other Jewish people living locally.

Public information: Funding has also been awarded by the Scottish Government to produce an updated and expanded version of the booklet ‘Scotland’s Jews’. This will include a history of the Jewish community in Scotland, and information about Judaism for employers, hospital staff, the police, and other relevant individuals and organisations.

In response to the large number of requests it receives for information, SCoJeC has produced a "Guide to Jewish Facilities in Scotland"

"MEMO" and "MEMO+": In addition to ongoing funding from BEMIS, SCoJeC has been awarded a grant from the Scottish Executive to expand MEMO. To date MEMO+ has provided information about the voting systems used in the Scottish Parliamentary and Council elections, the new Scottish Parliament and Government, and several relevant consultations.

SCoJeC's support for communal activities includes the administration of Disclosure Scotland applications, a role which it also undertakes on behalf of the Scottish Inter Faith Council.

The following were elected as office-bearers:

Kenneth Collins (Glasgow)
Philip Mendelsohn (Glasgow)
Hilary Rifkind (Edinburgh)
Frank House (Argyll and the Highlands)
Paul Spicker (Dundee)
Daniel Clapham (co-opted member)
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