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Scottish Council of Jewish Communities (SCoJeC)
Scottish Council of Jewish Communities (SCoJeC)
Scottish Council of Jewish Communities (SCoJeC)


Jewish Chronicle "Power 100"
SCoJeC Director is one of the most influential people in the UK Jewish community
April 2007
Ephraim Borowski

SCoJeC Director Ephraim Borowski has been named in a report by the Jewish Chronicle as one of the most influential people in the UK Jewish community.

Ephraim was instrumental in the establishment of the Scottish Council of Jewish Communities (SCoJeC). He has also been Chair of the Regional Council of the Board of Deputies, Vice-President of the Glasgow Jewish Representative Council, and Chair of Giffnock synagogue, the largest in Scotland, as well as other communal positions.

He is a former head of the Philosophy department of Glasgow University, where he was also President of the Glasgow Association of University Teachers, and the employee representative on the University Court.

Ephraim is also very active in community relations work and furthering the cause of equality and diversity.  He is Vice-Convener of BEMIS, the ethnic minority infrastructure body in Scotland, has been Treasurer of the Scottish Inter Faith Council, and is a member of the Scottish Advisory Committees of both the Commission for Racial Equality and the Equal Opportunities Commission.

Ephraim has been appointed to a number of Scottish Executive advisory groups, notably the Race Equality Advisory Forum, sits as a member of the Employment Tribunal, and is a ministerial appointee to the General Teaching Council for Scotland, where he is the first non-teacher to have been elected convener of one of its committees. In his spare time Ephraim compiled the Collins Dictionary of Mathematics and has been President of the Royal Philosophical Society of Glasgow.

Commenting on the listing, Ephraim said: " While it is obviously gratifying to be included in this list, I believe that this reflects the work of SCoJeC collectively, rather than any personal merit. This recognition by a national panel is thus very welcome acknowledgement of the considerable achievements of SCoJeC in its dealings with Parliament, the Executive, other communities and faiths, and a wide variety of other bodies across civil society."

Click here to read the Jewish Chronicle report.


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