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Scottish Council of Jewish Communities (SCoJeC)
Scottish Council of Jewish Communities (SCoJeC)
Scottish Council of Jewish Communities (SCoJeC)


Israel Bashing? Jew Bashing?
September 2006
Guest speaker
Discussion group
Discussion Group

Following a summer of constant media reports about tension in the Middle East, and the publication of the All-Party Parliamentary Committee Against Antisemitism Report which documented a worrying rise in UK antisemitic incidents, SCoJeC held three events for teenagers to provide them with an opportunity to discuss their experiences of antisemitism.

They were joined by guest speakers from the Israeli Embassy, the Israel Information Centre in Scotland and Scottish Friends of Israel for wide-ranging discussions that included:

the difficulty of being one of a very few Jewish pupils in a school

criticism of Israel that becomes antisemitic

how best to respond when that criticism starts to feel personal

media 'tricks' and misrepresentation

The sessions were both informative and enjoyable "I’ve learnt valuable lessons and we’ve had a fantastic time" said one participant, and another added: “The discussion on how to respond to people who confuse Judaism and Israel was really interesting and will be very useful when I’m talking to people at school.




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